


大学社区纪念马丁·路德·金的一生和遗产. with a 和平行走, which followed a week of 社区参与, leadership, 和服务 events. (摄影:William Vasta)

今天不是休假,是上班. 这就是马丁·路德·金的精神. 在威尼斯人平台的一天, where January 20 marked the finale of more than a week of events celebrating the work and legacy of the civil rights leader.

This year’s commemoration was planned by a steering committee representing voices from across the University.

“The committee's mission was to celebrate the legacy and tenets set forth by Dr. 仆人式领导, 社区参与, 和服务,克里斯·巴恩斯说, 安德森大厅的驻地主任,他主持了这个小组. 马丁·路德·金周期间提供的活动都涉及这三个领域之一.”



Two opportunities to advance King’s goals were organized by U of R’s 社区 Service Learning (CSL). 周日, 1月12日, 来自校园的近100名志愿者打包了10个,为“抗击饥饿”组织提供150顿饭, an international hunger relief nonprofit that coordinates the packaging and distribution of food and other aid to people in developing countries.

Nearly 100 volunteers from the campus community work together to package meals to be distributed by Rise Against Hunger, 国际非营利组织. (摄影:Coco McKown 2004年,2010年)

第二天, 为《威尼斯人平台》制作了大约20条无缝毛毯, a program of the Center for Restorative Justice Works that unites children and families separated by crime and the criminal justice system. The blankets are provided as a comfort item to children traveling by bus to see a parent who is incarcerated.

“Dr. 马丁·路德·金憧憬着一个受人爱戴的社区, 在威尼斯人平台, 我们相信通过服务来纪念他,18岁的贾斯汀·道尔说, a graduate intern in CSL and member of the steering committee for MLK week events. 马丁·路德·金纪念日是一个全国性的服务日, and it has always been important for our office to provide opportunities for 学生 to have a ‘day on’ to serve.”


On Tuesday, January 14, 学生 and guests lined up to get a free hug from 小肯·恩瓦代克., 自由拥抱项目的创始人, who shared the story of his journey from living in a homeless shelter to becoming a nationally recognized activist and peacemaker. He made national headlines at the 2014 Boston Marathon, one year after the 2013 bombing. Failing by seconds to qualify for the race but determined to somehow participate, 恩瓦代克穿上一件写着“自由拥抱”的衬衫,沿着路线站着, 准备好拥抱任何跑步者以获得鼓励.

小肯·恩瓦代克., 自由拥抱项目的创始人, shares his journey from living in a homeless shelter to becoming a nationally recognized activist and peacemaker. (摄影:Coco McKown 2004年,2010年)

“我想成为爱的榜样,”他说. 反响热烈,为他的和平工作奠定了基础. 除了做励志演讲, 恩瓦代克出现在集会上, 抗议活动, 示威活动, 和骚乱, often putting himself in harm’s way to de-escalate tensions between law enforcement and community.

“有多少人会站在中间? To be a buffer, to remind people to be decent to one another … that we are all human.”

Nwadike ended his talk by sharing his five steps for those who want to create change: 1) turn tragedies into testimonies; 2) don’t wait for a leader, become one; 3) form a team; 4) lead with love; and 5) cheer each other on.


Students also had an opportunity to hear the speeches of King played in Hunsaker Lounge and to explore their ideas of peace through poster making and a spoken dream poetry workshop hosted by Diversity Initiatives.

“Spoken word poetry offers everyone the opportunity to speak their authentic truths and listen full-heartedly to things that might be hard to talk about,21岁的马格达莱纳·桑切斯说, a master’s student who guided the event and served on the steering committee. “I hope that all participants left this experience with empathy and insight into each other’s experiences and are reminded of the relevance of MLK's legacy today.”

Students explore ideas of peace through a spoken dream poetry workshop hosted by Diversity Initiatives. (摄影:Coco McKown '01, '10)


周日, 1月19日, U of R held its annual MLK Celebration Service followed by the U of R Black Student Union-hosted candlelight vigil to remember the victims of hate crimes.

The service featured University Chapel Singers and Bel Canto choirs singing music from the gospel and spiritual traditions, 以及牧师约翰·沃尔什的感想, 宗教生活、多样性和包容性的彼得·图普, 和其他人.

“I think it's important to have this service as it allows for two things,” Tupou said. “Things that are not yet done — the dream is not yet a lived reality — and secondly this helps bring us together to do the work of justice together; it allows for our community to reflect upon our similarities and to build stronger bonds on the common goals of justice.”


1月20日上午, 为期一周的庆祝活动在100多名教职员工的参与下达到高潮, 管理员, 学生, 工作人员, and members of the community gathering at the Administration Building steps to walk for peace.

在踏上校园之旅之前,威尼斯人平台校长拉尔夫. Kuncl asked the group to spend a moment envisioning what it would be like if King, 谁现在已经91岁了, 是其中之一. “他会怎么看待他半个世纪前的‘梦想’??昆克问道。. “What is your situation in life, and how is that different because of him? 你和我还有什么工作要做?  Was it merely one man’s dream, or can you and I do something to make it a reality?”

在接下来的一个小时里,这群人穿过校园, 它停下来听了几次音乐, 诗, 和评论. 最后, 肯德里克·布朗, 澳门威尼斯人官方网院长, encouraged participants to reflect on what they felt during the march and the reason for coming together.

“因为我们是多样化的, 关于如何正确地生活,我们有很多不同的想法,布朗说. “We have different views on how our country should look and what our world needs to be a better place. Our diversity brings a wealth of differences that can surprise and jolt us at times. However, we need to always remember that in our diversity lies our strength.

“When we have events like this 和平行走, we show that, in our diversity, we share important bonds. We share: a common commitment to having a better world; a dedication to honor our collective appreciation for justice and peace; and a realization that our diversity enables us to feel a strength when we are together that we may not always feel when we are alone.”

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